Monday, July 15, 2024

Solang Nala: A Resort Town

Mountain View Up The Valley

At the Iceland Hotel I had a very good room with a view that looked up to the Northeast and the High Mountains.

This is resort town, Solang Nala, reminds me of Banff in British Columbia, Canada or Jackson Hole in Wyoming, USA.  I'm sure there are various locations in the European Alps of the same type.  I expect that this will be an ever growing destination for the Indian Middle Class and Overseas visitors over the next century. A website that describes Solang Nala from a tourist perspective is HERE 

Usually, this is not the sort of location that I gravitate towards.  Nevertheless, I appreciate it from a business standpoint.  These are the sorts of places which draw in a great deal of money and give opportunity for local individuals and families to improve their lots in life.    

And obviously, these tourist areas provide a form of entertainment for visiting families and individuals.  I won't get on my 'High Horse' and judge nor condescend down on these.  

Defining Poster

Khem Raj Thakur, Former Shepherd

Some of our folks were sitting out on the patio by a table and I came over and sat down and listened to the conversation.  Damon and the Indian gentleman were recalling various interactions they had over the last couple decades.  Khem was the owner of the hotel and Damon was around as the Iceland was being developed.  It turned out that Khem had grown up in a family of shepherds and had walked those high valleys in the late spring and summer with their flocks.  He was relaxed and very well spoken and radiated intelligence and grace. I found this initial story of his origin fascinating and began asking him a series of questions. His answers revealed a great deal about a life of growth. He did a number of different jobs in his late teens and into his mid 20s. This while being discouraged by his family to forsake their traditional way of making a living. He paid close attention to the larger world, taking mental notes, reading, meeting people, trying various business opportunities.  He both failed and succeeded and continued to try different ventures, skills and activities. He became a world class skier. Also a competitive motorcyclist like Damon (I think this is how they may have originally met.).  He also let motorcycling tours as well as back-country treks.   I came away very impressed with this remarkable gentleman.  It was a very pleasant and informative discussion with him.  A little about Khem is HERE  .   

And why did he name the hotel "Iceland"?  Was it associated with the country in the north Atlantic Ocean?  No, he smiled.  Rather, so many people from locations such as Delhi had called him over the years and asked if there was "Ice" (snow) currently at his location. Many Indians have never encountered snow in their lives and so this was a big draw for the people from the south. As a result he decided to name the hotel Iceland to suggest that this was, indeed, a snowy location much of the winter season.   

Original Hotel/Guest House

Beside us in the patio was a smaller guest house. This was the original hospitality venture.  Now, several decades after building it, he's planning to tear it back down in order to open the patio area.  He's not afraid of change.  

I went for a couple walks from the hotel and looked over the local landscape.  I saw vendors promoting bungee-trampolines, short soaring across a soccer field, small dhabas for sitting down.  


Back at the hotel, I could look down from my balcony at a assemblage of tents and shelters. There was a large high school group.  In the morning I saw the young girls lined up to wash their long hair.  In the later afternoon the teachers had the kid all assembled and they were playing a game of Duck Duck Goose.

Duck, Duck, Goose!

Zip Line and Bungee-Trampolines

In the evening I watched an group of young adults in the front patio doing a traditional line dance in custom, with reed instruments and large trumpets blaring to the beat of drums.

Group Camping

Khem Conducting a Staff Meeting

All in all, it was a restful day and evening.  At these lower elevations sleep came easier and was much more restful.  Also, bodies eventually acclimate to higher elevations and so 9500 feet didn't feel as challenging as 5-6 days prior.

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The same evening as our return from Chail, we all went to the hotel restaurant and had a last dinner together.  A pleasant time to say goodb...